Spaceship Major 5 Union Software Group 2001

A budget Spanish shmup where you fly in space and fight with enemy ships. Unlike some other games from the same developer, the background is not just a black space, sparsely decorated with stars - there are more of the latter from celestial bodies, but sometimes there are planets, and there is a certain "stone border" around the edges. Enemies are represented by different types of spacecraft that have different amounts of health and fire different projectiles, and some of the enemies are borrowed from other games of the company. Some can sometimes, so to speak, go for a ram, which is quite difficult to evade. Our ship, on the other hand, cannot bear more than one hit or collision; however, lives are not three, as one might expect, but eight, but for the whole game. There are no bonuses - even weapons cannot be changed. All levels take place in exactly the same scenery, so you should not expect diversity. The graphics are truly budget, but the music unexpectedly pleased: this time the melody is quite suitable for the space environment and generally sets the pace, which, by the way, is rather slow.
ISO Demo 8MB (uploaded by

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