DXX-Rebirth 1996

This is a source port of the Descent and Descent 2 Engines for Windows, Mac OS, Linux (most *NIX systems), so you won’t need DOSBox to play the games. Additionally, it offers OpenGL graphics and effects, advanced Multiplayer, many improvements and new features. It plays Descent and Descent 2 and all their AddOns and third-party levels. Features: runs on modern operating systems; OpenGL provides a fast and smooth rendering – even on low-end systems; Optionally you can enable several effects like Transparency, Colored lighting, Texture Filtering, FSAA, etc.; Thanks to SDL, a wide palette of Joysticks are supported. Also you can use more Joysticks, buttons and axes than you can ever operate in your state of evolution; If you prefer steering your Pyro with a mouse, you will not have the problem that the movement becomes slow in high game speed; Joystick, Keyboard and Mouse can be used simultaneously; The games can display all resolutions and aspects supported by your Monitor, including an option for VSync; Besides MIDI and CD-Audio (Redbook), you can play your own custom Music from your Harddrive or a separate AddOn; Both games can utilize special AddOn packs to replace or expand the original game content; Multiplayer via UDP protocol provides a fast and easy-to-use LAN and Online action. This includes reliable communication causing less glitches due to lost packages; The ingame Demo-recording system has been improved. Demos are less glitchy and smaller while still still being backwards-compatible to earlier versions of the games; Higher game speed will not cause glitches such as unacceptable fast homing projectiles, incredible high damage caused by several collisions or Fusion cannon, etc.; Player files, Savegames, Demos and Missions from DOS-Versions of the games can freely be used in DXX-Rebirth and vice versa; And much, much more.
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