SCP: 5K Affray Interactive / SCP.GAMES 2022

Early Access Release This is a tactical, first-person shooter horror game that is being developed to offer a semi-linear story where you play as a fireteam going against the SCP Foundation. Immerse yourself in a rich narrative inspired by the SCP-5000 canon by Anthony "Tanhony" Shaklady, as you uncover the truth behind an Entity that has been manipulating humanity for eternity. With detailed weapon customization, immersive combat, and a dark apocalyptic setting, SCP: 5K will gradually deliver a unique and intense experience. The list of SCPs currently: SCP-173-B // The Sculpture; SCP-7528 // The Projection; SCP-1262 // Seed of Destruction (Spitter); SCP-098 // Surgeon Crabs; SCP-939 (genetically altered) // Psi-Z Resonator; SCP-840 // Drain Feeder. Embark on a semi-linear story as a fireteam opposing the SCP Foundation, with 1-2 hours of story content in the current prototype state and ongoing updates for more content and polish. Dive into the rich story and lore, heavily inspired by the SCP-5000 canon by Tanhony, which will be expanded upon and integrated throughout development. Engage in immersive tactical combat, utilizing peeking corners, breaching doors, and detailed weapon customization. Enjoy detailed audio design with occlusion-based wall muffling. Take advantage of NVIDIA DLSS, NVIDIA NIS, and AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) for enhanced visual performance. Ultra-wide support for an immersive gaming experience.
Download: None currently available

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