Defensive Measures 1997

The author of this 2001 custom level HLR Productions (Bakersman). We've been running hi-res surface scans in the big-gun area and according to that along with intel from the surface teams in the logistical sector, there's bad news. As you know the security laser grid was just taken out a few hours ago. Problem is, there were a lot of laser towers that appeared to be offline or already dead but we're getting power signatures from them. They didn't go completely dead like the others. And we just got wind of some major power signatures not far from the big-gun reactor, centered around two buildings, apparently a complex of some sort -- right in the middle of these towers. If those towers are a backup grid like we think they are, we got a serious problem. There's no way we can drop teams for reconnaisance in the big-gun area with something like this in the way, not after what happened during the first drop. Big-gun is next on the agenda which means we need to take this thing out as soon as possible. Defensive Measures has got everything that an enjoyable Q2SP level should have - fantastic layout, great architecture, a good challenge, awesome secrets, and creative story ideas with actual objectives for you to accomplish. It's got enough variety in its design and texture themes to never get boring, yet everything seamlessly works together. There are many inventive elements for a Quake II level to admire here, including several multi-stop elevators, a mine cart ride and an airlock passage. This isn't a map to miss. A Quick Recompile for Q2R using the newest Arghradx64 builds by Knightmare was done in 2023.
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