Report: Upgrade Edition 1998

Report Universe is a completely independent universe that is saturated with alternative or completely different events. Upgrade Edition is an edition that includes Report One and add-ons such as Report:operation Alive, and others that are in deep development at the concept stage. Report One Jerald Ford is a scientist with 5 years of experience working in Black Mesa as the commander of the "Special Detachment for the Study of Parallel Worlds". One day, an SOS signal arrives from the base, which, having settled in Xen, was attacked, but when Gerald arrives at the place, he discovers that the signal was sent a week ago and the squad was a little late. However, he finds a new experimental sample - a purple crystal. After that, the trouble started. First, due to an unsuccessful experiment, a cascade resonance was caused, then, in addition to the alien attack, mercenaries from the Black Hawk organization attacked the base. Gerald has to solve all these problems with a lot of lead and blood. And the further our hero goes, the more the picture of what is happening is revealed. Operation Alive The first addon that will tell you about Corporal Kyle, who had the task to meet with the "sable" squad, but as always something goes wrong and you have to get out of all the shit that falls on the hero. Crutcial Day Have you ever wondered why the leaders of the Black Hawk mercenaries know Jerald? Why does Shane, the head of the organization, have a grudge against our hero? And everything is simple. This mod answers these questions. You probably remember those words of Mason, about the events of 5 years ago. So what happened then? And everything is extremely simple, Gerald was once a member of this organization himself, but then it was an official special group called "Hawk", which was sent to hot spots to deal with particularly dangerous criminals. In 1996 an operation took place, the purpose of which was to neutralize the terrorists who seized the office building of the "Ministry of Defense". That's when it happened, that very turning point.The further our hero progressed, the more he learned about his colleagues.
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