Accidents In Paradise Kelly-Data Electronic Publishing 1997

This is a humorous action game where you fly a fighter plane through 3D environments, fighting off alien invaders. Controls are simple and standard for the genre: movement is controlled with the joystick and the guns shoot by pulling the trigger. The game is structured into several missions set on different maps, where the player has to shoot down a number of alien fighters above various landscapes. The maps are square and at their edges, the landscape just stops, with an empty void beyond, clearly marking the end of the playing field. There is some minor ship customization where the player can choose different loadouts before starting the game. The story parodies various popular sci-fi franchises and their tropes, and there are a lot of funny radio transmissions during gameplay. The game marketed itself as a humorous alternative to more serious sci-fi games.
ISO Demo (provided by starlord & upped by Scaryfun) 98MB

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