Nanosaur Extreme Pangea Software, Inc. / Ideas From the Deep 2002

Nanosaur was originally released exclusively on MAC in 1998. This Extreme version greatly increased the amount of enemy dinosaurs and ammunition pickups. You are a dinosaur (a Nanosaur to be exact) from the future who has traveled back in time to collect the eggs of 5 dinosaur species before the giant asteroid hits the earth. The "primitive" dinosaurs will attack you as you try to get their eggs, but just remember that it's for their own good that you blast them into oblivion! Being a dinosaur from the future, you are equipped with several pieces of technology to help you in your mission - Fusion Blaster: a multi-purpose weapon for killing things; Jet Pack: For flying over things that might kill you; Temporal Compass: for finding time portals; GPS Locator: for figuring out where you are and where you should go. You can jump, swim, run around, jet around, shoot stuff, etc. The general rule to playing the game is "if it moves, kill it or it'll kill you." You only have 20 minutes to collect all 5 egg species so being efficient about your actions is critical. In 2020, Pangea allowed a fan named Iliyas Jorio to port the source code to make the game freeware. You can change from the original to the Extreme versions from within the game.
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Shareware Level Demo v2.03 11MB (uploaded by
Full Demo 12MB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Source Port v1.4.2 (Extreme + Original versions) 15MB (uploaded by Github)

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