Postal III Running With Scissors / Akella 2011

This latest in the controversial series is a third-person shooter using the Source engine and continues and expands upon the sandbox-style design of its predecessor, Postal 2, as well as includes motion captured performances by a wide array of celebrities, including Ron Jeremy, Jennifer Walcott, Randy Jones, and Uwe Boll, director of the Postal film. The Postal Dude emigrates to Paradise's sister town of Catharsis as he previously blew up Paradise with a nuclear bomb. Due to the economic meltdown, the Dude drives into town and becomes stranded by the fact he can not even afford a tank of gas. He then must find work and do various odd jobs to escape the town. Through the course of the game the player can chose one of two paths, the "bad path" which includes joining in on the schemes of Mayor Chomo and Uncle Dave, or the "good path" which involves the Dude joining the Catharsis Police force. The game will take place in a fairly linear and cinematic way, although the players actions will affect the outcome of the story and the game. Although the "good path" will be more difficult to play, it will offer more story line and a longer campaign. It has new weapons such as "The Badgersaw", a nail bat, a M60 machine gun and the return of the gas can and matches from Postal 2. A new weapon concept is a test lab monkey which will react to a laser being pointed by the Postal Dude. There's also "special vehicles" in the game such as Segways.
DVD ISO Demo (English Voices/German subtitles) + All Updates up to Feb 1/2014 10.8GB (uploaded by scaryfun)
Full Demo + Movies Addon + Music Addon 886MB+1.57GB+107MB (uploaded by UberLamer)
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Full Demo v1.4 - Zoom release (DRM free) 10.7GB (uploaded by scaryfun)

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