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Postby ILikeScaryFun » Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:22 pm


Let me explain better why I moderated him. The newbie member "hund" have discriminated some people and here are some sentences from him.

without the usa france would be speaking german since ww1.

If you speak this with a french man, he will stay injuried and offended.

In some U.S.A. movies that have watched, the french man will consider this an offense and he will stay injuried. For the France this is considered an offense.

without the usa germany and all of europe would be speakin russian.

The same explaining above, but I consider this a bad offense, because this site have many german members and mainly these german members help the site so much. So I considered a bad offense.

canada what will you do when quebec decides to finally succeed.

The same explaining above...

and for the maker of this thread brazil tell me what your people are doing to the tribal people of the amazon isnt that terroism

I think that 'hund' needs to know more about Brazil, we don't have tribal people, we are the 15th world economy (was 8th 7 years ago), we have many industrialized cities, we are trying to be a permanent member on the Security Council of the United Nations (like German, Japan and India too)

Personally, I don't consider this an offense because I have the knowledge of many people still think that Brazil is a country that have

- Monkey on streets and other animals too.
- Exotic people and exotic culture
- Exotic fruits and other things...
- Indians dancing

For example, I live in a industrialized city with many shoppings, cinemas, theaters, supermarkets, hospitals and all the services and necessaries for
a better living and this city have more than 2.000.000 people

And we have Formula One Championships since 1970... And my soccer team was only the one who have participated of all cups and is the only who have won 5 times...

Let me explain better: This was released on 2003 (I think) on the 'Der Spiegel' german magazine.

I believe that some german members had read the magazine and this report.

The U.S. president (George Walker Bush) asked to Brazil president (Luis Inácio Lula da Silva) if in Brazil have black people!!!

Or in other words, How a man like Bush can be a president with this level of ignorancy?

Man, Bush don't know about this!!!

My nation is a multi-coloured nation and we have white, black, asians people living here without racism and no organizations like "Klu Klux Kan"

I personally I love japanese girls (asian people) and the japanese culture.

Bye, bye!!!
Last edited by ILikeScaryFun on Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Scaryfun » Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:39 pm

hund_ wrote:must be easy for you people to call us ignorant people with blinders on.
i hope someone doesnt kill 3500 of your people for nothing.i told all of you that europeans and other countries being so much for kerry is what elected bush.

I didn't call ALL Americans ignorant, and it was in reference to the notion that Sadam Hussein had something to do with 9/11 (which according to a poll is what many believe) - do you have some proof that says otherwise?
Secondly, New York which suffered most on 9/11 voted overwhelmingly for Kerry (over 70% I believe in lower Manhattan). The majority of Bush's votes came from mid and southern states yet the biggest targets are in California & New York which voted for do you explain that?

some history
without the usa france would be speaking german since ww1.
without the usa germany and all of europe would be speakin russian.

Yes, the U.S. has done some great things that's why it's more distressing
that the current administration has gone to war based on false premises.

canada what will you do when quebec decides to finally succeed.

What does this have to do with the topic?
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Postby Klink » Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:17 am

I got family in brazil! Well..They we're all Nazi's and had to split so they wouldn't get hung for war crimes!

Note: I think the board could use a porno section to offset pokitical discussions.
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Postby Xeon » Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:46 am

ILikeScaryFun wrote:Let me explain better why I moderated him. The newbie member "hund" have discriminated some people and here are some sentences from him.

him being a newbie doesnt give you the right to be an elitist either. if you cant take a reply that counters your thoughts then you shouldnt have made this thread in the first place.

and if i remember correctly, you also posted that yankees are ignorant people (seems to be edited as its gone now). let me get this straight, you will moderate someone stating some historical tidbits (if not facts) about Germans and French people yet you think baseless facts about something on the other side? look at it this way, with this kind of thread (which YOU made in the first place) arent you expecting this course of discussion?

a forum is a good place for opinions, discussions, expressions and brain-storming, no boundaries (race, sex, fetishes, anything, hence General Topics) and im sure Scaryfun and others who made this board are already aware of these kind of threads, as long as done in proper manner (thus formal discussions). no need to use your mod powers (or threathen him with it) just because his opinion doesnt match with yours.

and for the record, im not American either, im Asian (which basically equates to i-could-care-less-whoever-wins-US-elections). lets keep this place open-ended, if not friendly. otherwise, i suggest we take off the General Section of the forum as it doesnt really have much use when compared to the other sections that people who comes here really are after.

good day :)
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Postby Xeon » Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:56 am

ILikeScaryFun wrote:Here in Brazil

1 - I don't have volcanos
2 - I don't have terrible hurricanes
3 - I don't have earthquakes
4 - and mainly: I DON'T HAVE TERRORISM!!!

also all of these you stated doesnt make sense. its not like its our/their fault to live in a place with natural disasters. its nature man, you can never get rid of it no matter what kind of government you put in there so the only real option is to live with it and move on in those cases.

as for terrorism, its something (i forgot what those are called, Ideology?) that scrounges around the globe, what made you sure you dont have any form of terrorism in your place? remember, just because you dont see it doesnt mean its not there.
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Postby loki1985 » Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:35 pm

@hund: remember, it wasn't bush who "freed" germany...
clarification: i don't have a problem with the USA, but with the (current) governement of the USA....
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Postby ILikeScaryFun » Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:56 pm

Hey guys!!!

What do you think to stop this discussion?

Some members here are taking this discussion personal and this is not my point of view.

But I will love if this discussion continue... :wub: :P :lol:
I'm loving the comments, serious!!! :lol: :lol:

@Xeon and the other members if you want read this long, tedious and boring post... :lol: :lol: :D :D :twisted: :twisted:

You are a good 3DSL member, I have the knowledge that you help this site as the Schippy member. So I think that I have to explain you some things. Ok? :oops:

First off. I have insane, bizarre and dark humor. Ok? :D :lol: :x :evil: :twisted:

I explaneid to Schippy why I moderated 'hund'. Because I consider Schippy a friendly member.

Let's say if you speak that 'insults' to the France President (Jacques Chirac) or for any french man you will be treated as a bad person.

Let's say if you speak that insults to the German Federal Chancellor (Gerard Schroder) or for any german man you will be treated as a bad person.

This is real, In France and German that sentences are true insults...
And let me say that I know the French language too...

About my post edittings. Let me say why I edit them.

- English fixings (some words, some sentences, verbs times, etc.)
- Others things that I forgot.
- Sometimes I consider myself that I'm not explaining right/correct
- And this include delete entire lines/sentences...

Let me say that I edited that post 7-9 times (I can't remember the count)

And you said that you is not an american, you are an asian, so, I would like to know which country are you from. Man, if you are a japanese, man, very nice!!! :)

If you desire you can send a 'Private Message' to me revealing your country. Ok? :wink:

But I'm an american, I'm a south-american, latin-american and an american too. If you know how my neighboor country (U.S) influence my country (Brazil) so you will understand me..

Man, many U.S. decisions influence my country... (It's a big problem)

I don't hate U.S.A, I hate the actual goverment, I loved when USA was governed by (Bill Clinton) and I personally I loved Chelsea Clinton, the first daughter. It's a very desired woman. :wub:

Well, Bush and one of the daughters him, I think "Jenna" is a beautiful woman too... Since they are twin (not-equal) sisters I don't know if Barbara is the woman that I'm commenting of. :wub:

Take a look, man!!! I have humor, but sometimes insane, dark and bizarrre. :lol: :P

But I hate the Bush person, and mainly your brother Jeb Bush (Florida governor) that helped your brother on 2000 to win the White House.

Man!!! what do you think about this newspaper notice... :) :lol:

I got it from the english newspaper 'Daily Mirror' from November, 4th of 2004.

How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?

More information on the site:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :x :x :x :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

About natural disasters and nature...

I thank for living in a blessed country. And I forgot to say that here I don't have snowing storms too. But don't worry man, I understood your point of view.

And about the 'Klink' post I will not comment it. Is not necessary

Bye, bye!!! :lol:
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Postby Xeon » Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:21 am

i guess that explains the weather analogy and a lot other stuff :lol:

personally, i have nothing to contribute on the discussion. mainly because like i said earlier, i could care less whoever wins, id rather look at issues we have here and quite frankly there really isnt alot my country can do to it other than to suck up US's trust and resources. but i always liked reading discussions like this with young people like us discussing it. i just want to keep it fair for all (i just have this hate against "unfairness" for some reason). you could pardon that i guess :P

oh and i live in the Philippines (read: hostages at afghanistan :P), no need to hide it. i guess like 4th, 5th or 6th piracy capital in Asia and 11th in government corruption. if only i have a very fast PC and broadband, i sure have a lot to contribute in 3DSL.

and i forgot that Brazil is part of US, call me damn :x
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Postby ILikeScaryFun » Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:53 pm

Hey man...

and i forgot that Brazil is part of US, call me damn

Brazil don't make part of the U.S.

Brazil is in the same continent. America, South-America and U.S is in North-America ok? :up:

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Postby Xeon » Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:48 pm

cant comment more on that other than :x :x :x :x :x
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Postby Schippy » Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:06 pm

:cool: :huh: that was fun!
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