Death Illustrated QuiltBrain Entertainment 2003

This unique-looking freeware game is a conversion of the Cube game engine and is designed to give you the sensation of deathmatching inside of a three dimensional comic book. It's designed almost completely in glorified black & white, or grayscale as some would prefer to call it. This is an impressive 3D shooter, featuring lots of action. Moving is done with the keyboard and aiming is done with the mouse; it is vital to keep moving and turning around to spot your enemies. The enemies are knight-like creatures, spiders, and other monsters and unhappy people. Some of them will fire at you using very fast projectiles, and some even have weapons that hurt you instantly when fired so make sure to hide or take out these guys quickly. You have several weapons at your disposal (once you've picked up the right ammo) such as the shotgun, the machinegun, and the rocket launcher, familiar weapons if you've played similar games. In addition to the black and white design, there's some other details such as explosions and blood in color, but this is not a downside; the graphics are really good, with effects such as smoke trails and explosions. The presentation is better than the average game too, with nice voice effects on the title screen and a large number of settings to change if you want to. The game also has heavy music to more than match the action.
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Full Demo v0.6 ~26MB (@ Acid Play)

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