Survarium Vostok Games 2014

Early Access Release This is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online first-person shooter with role-playing and survival elements from former developers of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. that created their own studio after S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 was cancelled. This has some comparable features, notably the anomalies and artifacts that reference the Russian science-fiction novel Roadside Picnic, and the 'ecological catastrophe' that renders much of the environment uninhabitable for humans. The game takes place on dedicated maps offering the survivors a variety of tactical options, secrets and valuable story-related information. Deadly traps await the unwary players among you. Gameplay consists of doing raids, between which you can acquire weapons and equipment, getting ready for new adventures. Several game modes let you select an adventure that you want. Fight team against team, travel alone or to make history with a group of friends. Game modes will open gradually as the development progresses. The new world hides many secrets. Some may kill you and some may indeed save you. Research the mysterious anomalies, procure and collect artifacts, which in tough moments, can save you from inevitable death. Use the data from scanners, detectors and various other devices that have survived in the new world, in order to assist research in being more effective and raise your chances of survival. With every situation your character increases his experience and gets stronger. Develop your hero by improving his skills in any of the five directions available: firearm training, physical training, technical skills, medical skills and the art of survival. Discover unique abilities to help you tip the balance of power in your favor. Who will you become? – A keen sniper, a fearless assault fighter, a scout, an artifact seeker or a master of them all? The game was shut down on May 31/2022.
Download: None currently available

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