Space Corps 2: Star Wars Banshee Studios 2004

This is an overhead space ship combat game written using 3D techniques to create a stunning graphically vivid game experience. This version of Space Corps 2 is set in the Star Wars universe and allows you to fight in a number of scenarios for the Rebel Alliance against the Imperial forces. You'll get to fly in all manner of ships from the humble A-Wing, the ferotious X-Wing, the devasting B-Wing and the awesome Y-Wing. You can even fly the Millenium Falcon, a Corellian Corvette, an MC90 or the incredible Nebulon B. You can choose from reconnaissance missions, interdiction missions, capitol ship assault, capitol ship scramble, a pitched battle between mixed forces of capitol ships and fighters, and full scale fleet actions. Amongst your adversaries are the puny Tie Fighters, the lethal Tie Interceptors, and the potent Tie Bombers. You'll also get to make bombing runs against Star Destroyers and the massive Executor Class Destroyer. All the weapons in the game are based upon the standard weapons in Space Corps 2 with some minor alterations to the lasers to recreate a more Star Wars feel. You'll get to fire blasters, missiles, bombs, mines and stassis fields.
Free Game included in Space Corps series 37MB (uploaded by mklgw1985)

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