Revolver360 Cross Eaglet / Playism 2012

This side-scrolling shooter has the rather unique twist of allowing you to, well, twist the screen. It was originally released on Xbox Live Indie Games platform in 2011. As the ship flies from left-to-right, you can adjust the axis that it's flying on. Basically, that means that when there is a vertical column of bullets bearing down on your ship, you can rotate the screen 90 degrees so the column is now an easy-to-avoid horizontal row. Aside the rather unique mechanic, Revolver is really defined by its gorgeous visual style. One second you're flying through a neon green city, the next you're in the middle of the sun and the next you're cruising past Earth, while the music frantically blares in the background. There are two modes, the Infinite Range mode plays much like a standard shooter where you withstand waves of enemies while trying not to die. The Short Range mode grants you unlimited health to run through a truncated level and maximize your score, and high scores are stored on a central server. Other wave-based games tend to feel extremely repetitive because you typically fight in some stagnant arena; Revolver360 solves this problem by using an array of different gorgeous backdrops that change every few seconds. It's like you're always moving into a new level with only a brief pause to let you catch your breath.
Japanese Trial Demo 51MB (uploaded by Official Site)
Japanese Full Demo 283MB (uploaded by Supernova)

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