Digital Paintball: Paintball 2.0 calrathan, jitspoe 2006

This started out as a popular mod in Quake 1, before the same development team took it to Quake 2 and became a free standalone game in May/2006 due to the Quake 2 engine source now being free. Some of the engine enhancements include reflective water and skeletal animation. Paintball 2 is is a form of "virtual paintball" for Quake II with an increased pace and arcade feel. It emphasizes teamwork and timing with different game modes such as CTF, 1-Flag CTF, and Siege. There are tons of maps, from regular fields to rooftop battles. Like its real-life counterpart, players are split into two teams, armed with paintball guns, and each head out to capture the other team's flag. The catch: it only takes one shot to knock you out, and then you'll have to wait 60 seconds before you can respawn. Your ultimate goal is to knock out the entire enemy team, at which point your team wins the round and a new one begins. There are various guns to choose from, each with their own characteristics, and there are an assortment of CO2 cartridges, paintball hoppers and weapons upgrades to keep you busy.
Free Standalone Game Alpha Build 35 26MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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