Zwischenzug Mike Meyer 2002

This is a 3d shooter maked with Dark Basic where the goal is to knock your opponents off of the arenas, instead of just doing enough damage to them. This game was selected as one of only ten student projects worldwide to be in the 2003 Independent Games Festival Student Showcase. What makes Zwischenzug cool is that it was an experiment with unusual gameplay. At first glance it will appear like a standard third-person shooter, but there are some things that really make it stand out. The big change is that combat is not about dealing damage, but rather knocking your opponent out of the arena, like in Super Smash Brothers. The HUD is near the avatar instead of at the screen edges. The player is able to pick the level progression. Instead of forcing the player through the levels in any particular order, he can choose which teleporter to take and when he does it. The difficulty still increases as you play though because the enemies that appear are based on your score.
Free Game 23MB (uploaded by MyAbandonware)

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