Waiting For Horus Devine Lu Linvega, Renaud Bedard, Henk Boom, Mangadrive 2012

This is a fast paced multiplayer arena type 3rd person shooter still in development. You have always 8 bullets in one charger weapon. You can reload at any time to refill it. The machine gun will fire very fast rounds in a mostly straight line, which makes it a great long-range weapon despite its name, if your aim is precise. Shooting a moving target can prove to be a challenge. The pepper gun has two uses: At short range, it allows you to shoot all 8 bullets with less speed and in a wide cone, which can instantly kill a close target without much of a need to aim. At long range, if you can keep a target inside your reticle for about a second, the slower pepper bullets will become homing missiles that seek the enemy. Each player has one shield which can resist one bullet (any kind), and automatically recharges after 5 seconds. After your shield has been shut off, the mech can withstand two bullets before dying in a fiery explosion. The orange orbs in your back will disappear after taking one hit, letting you know that you're vulnerable. The game is played in 5 minute rounds. Every 5 rounds, the map will randomly change to another one. The leaderboards are reset every new round. Killing Streaks: 3 kills in a row - threatening, 6 kills in a row - dangerous, 9 kills in a row - merciless. Some mechs have flags attached to their back, which indicates their position in the leaderboards. The leading player has an orange flag. The runner-up (position #2) has a cyan flag.
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