S.W.A.G. Supinfogame 2013

Super Wreckless Awesome Gangsta (S.W.A.G.) is a rhythmic FPS developed for the Hits Playtime French student contest. It was made by six students from Supinfogame for Hits Playtime contest organized by LeMonde.fr. The game was honored by a special mention from the contest's jury president. Violence is an undercurrent and defining element of both early FPSs and rap culture in the ’90s. There's no real blood or gore in the actual title, but there's a reason you're shooting guys. It was part of the culture then, so it seems appropriate to have violence remain a central component. Ths aiming reticule stays fixed at your screen's center while you strafe, turn and blast 2D rappers. As one of the rappers embroiled in this feud, fellow rhyme-spitters are constantly gunning for ya. You'll work your way through traditional corridors and boxed rooms indicative of the genre during the game's 1995 setting. Where S.W.A.G. separates itself from its shooting brethren is its rhythm mechanic. Propping your boombox atop your shoulder like a bazooka, the speakers blare a basic beat. If you come out shooting haphazardly like Dylan spitting hot fire, you’re going to fall off rhythm and die. The key is timing your shots with the beat. Soundwaves fired off-rhythm fall flat to the floor. Your shoot-waves are intentionally expanded, giving you the chance to focus more on the backbeat than accurately hitting the posers in front of you. Hitting opponents in tune with your shots not only stops their track releases forever, but it also builds up your combo meter. Greater combos increase your Ghetto Blaster's power and allow you to unleash alternative attacks. You'll either outright unplug an enemy's mic or put them into a dizzying stupor for an easier shot. Meanwhile, sound levels are visualized onto walls throughout your act. As your combos stack, the graphics change color and pulsate higher while new beats start layering on top of one another. It's a really satisfying, incremental increase of tension and excitement while you try to stay in tune with the beat.
Browser-Playable Free Prototype *requires Unity plugin (uploaded by Official Site)

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