Sea Of Chaos DigiPen Institute of Technology 2005

This naval battle game was made by a student group at DigiPen. In an age where violence rules the seas, there is a vast ocean that divides the land. Powerful countries have formed due to their advancements in ship technology, but despite that, many smaller countries lead a more simple life in the open seas. It is common to find traveling merchants and mercenaries throughout the land. Captain Chaos of the 3rd fleet of the Crusaders is an admired leader in his home of Oppenheimer. One day, terrible news came from a merchant from the far shores of a vast country named Vandamour. He was told that a grand Vandamourian fleet was making its way towards smaller countries to conquer them. Knocked off his feet, Captain Chaos could not believe what he had just heard. There was no way he could ever give up his country to a bunch of outsiders. Frightened but strong willed, Captain Chaos gathers his fleet in a battle to fight for his country’s honor and survival. You start your journey in a crudely built shanty, but eventually as you progress through the game you begin to upgrade your ship to a battleship and beyond. It was the winner of the 2006 IGF Student Showcase. The game was later updated in 2013 to support the Oculus Rift, and takes advantage of bringing the player a full and immersive experience.
Free Game 37MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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