Miscreated Entrada Interactive LLC 2014

Early Access, Full Release Date: Dec 18/2018 Half a century of wars using nukes, bioweapons, nanoweapons, and even kinetic-kill weapons, gave us the Empty World: population 100 million and falling fast. All the weapons-grade isotopes getting into the water table, or the fish, or the air — reacted with some of the leftover bioweapons and made lots of people go as squirrely as tab-pumped cannibals. Civilization is taking a breather. In 2089, anyone left alive and unmutated is just focused on staying that way. There are stories of enclaves here and there, where they're lucky enough to have plenty of food stockpiled and mutants are thin on the ground or there's lots of ammunition to throw at them. Underground areas and base building will be added soon, but are not in the current release. Only a portion of the current map is available to play on. Bullet trajectory will change based on gravity, air resistance, and wind. Encounters can be spawned dynamically and located anywhere on the map. Weapons and items will usually be found in logical places, but can also be found anywhere in the world. Be sure to check everywhere for items – lockers, stoves, cupboards, and many more. Some appliances can be opened to look inside. Your character's stats and items will be saved when you exit the game. When you log back in, you will have your health, items and location all restored. Store items on your character and collect weapons, ammo and other useful items. You can also find additional items to increase the amount of storage space your character has – like backpacks, shirts, and pants. Keep your hunger and water levels up in order for your character to function at maximum efficiency. Low levels of food and hunger have a negative impact on your character's performance. When you die all of the items you were carrying stay with your characters corpse. Other players can take them, or you can retrieve them yourself if they are still there when you get back to the corpse. Kill anyone at anytime and steal their loot. There are no safe zones. However, it will be very beneficial in the long run to make a few friends. Rain, fog, wind, and other weather patterns are all dynamically generated and will create unique game play opportunities. The intensity of weather patterns will also be supported – from light fog to dense fog, for example. Charge in during the day or wait until night time for a sneaky approach. The game features a real 24 hour clock based on the location of the server you are playing on. First and Third Person Camera Views - switch views based on personal preference.

See also: #Canyonlands DLC

Download: None currently available

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