Last Eichhof, The Alpha Helix Productions 1993

In what has to be considered one of the most "original" games of all time, you are a flying beer in space. And the evil corporations are coming after you, so you must use your "beer power" to fight off wave after wave of corporate "beer". It was made by a small Swiss outfit and guzzlers extraordinaire. To be more precise, your goal is to defend the Eichhof Brewery from the imperium of invading "big beers," with bottle caps and other imaginative weapons that only beer lovers can appreciate ;) Enemies, of course, are various types of beer: small, large, kegs, you name it. There are only four levels, but all of them are a lot of fun. From rival beers in the first few levels, you will get to fight other booze (coktail, whiskey, etc.), and in the final level you are faced with things that are associated with hangovers on Sunday morning, including apple cores (ugh), pretzels, coffee cups, the toilet [heh]. You earn money for each kill, At the end of each level. you go to a bar where you have the option to purchase power-ups for your sh... I mean, beer bottle. Overall, it's the rare freeware gem that does get the humor across - with all the fun intact.
Free Game 4.1MB (uploaded by Wastrel)
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Free Game with DOSBox 5.6MB (uploaded by Forum Azur)

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