Damned Nation Reborn Sinister 2015

Early Access Release This is a first person tower defense and crafting game set after the apocalypse. After Biological MODS to enhance the human race took a nasty turn during its human testing trials. You take lead role as one of the many survivors to make a haven for the uninfected. Use crafting to fortify areas and make it home. Loot through a huge map for crafting materials weapons and ammunition to aid your survival. Use bio mods to give you the edge over hordes of enemies. This is the plague with which the Lord will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths. Find survivors and create a haven. Havens can easily be destroyed if there not protected enough but there are plenty of places to fortify such as farm houses, diners and so on. You can even choose to section off entire streets in the suburbs or the city. You will have a placeable object that will allow you to build a haven in the placed area but the size of your haven will be measured by the size of your influence. Every mission completed will give you influence. Every survivor that joins you will also give influence. Completing missions for survivors will also unlock new weapons, turrets, structures, or resources. In fortify mode you will be put to the test against a unlimited warm of walkers that will get stronger and harder to kill. You will have to defend a main objective using stealth base building and turrets to keep the walkers from the main objective. This mode will be unlike the main campaign as this is just total mayhem. Reaching set scores on this mode will unlock new turrets and structures and even pets bots that will not be unlock-able after the main release. This will not be a game you can complete as they will be adding more missions, structures, turrets as time goes on. In 2013, a pre-alpha was released but after months of work they lost all progress when updating the engine and the only way to get it back was to build it again from the ground up.
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