Zaxxon SEGA Enterprises Ltd. / SEGA Enterprises, Inc. 1984

Release Date: 1984 The Zaxxon defence system must be destroyed in this isometric-viewed shoot 'em up. This port of the popular 1982 arcade game has three stages, first taking you through Asteroid City, which is heavily protected by aircraft, guns and missiles. Many barriers are alarmed, leaving you with limited space to progress through, and fire must constantly be dodged. Fuel can be replenished, paradoxically, by blowing up fuel drums. Stage two is a space shoot out against hordes of enemy aircraft - those you failed to destroy in the first part of the task. Complete this and you reach the final battle with Zaxxon, the game looping with increased difficulty if you can survive the first time. There are three distinct skill levels, while controls involve using forward to dive and back to climb, in the manner of flight simulation. It was the first game to employ axonometric projection, which lent its name to the game (AXXON from AXONometric projection). The type of axonometric projection is isometric projection: this effect simulated three dimensions from a third-person viewpoint. It was also one of the first video games to display shadows, to indicate the ship's altitude above the surface; the game also employed an altitude meter, allowing the player to control how high or low the ship is above the surface. It was also the first arcade game to be advertised on television, with a commercial produced by Paramount Pictures for $150,000. A fan-made remake by Garry Pankhurst was released in 2003.
Full Demo 10kb (uploaded by Abandonia)
2003 Fan-Made Remake (uploaded by Official Site)
Floppy Image ISO Demo 12kb (uploaded by scaryfun)

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