Galshell 2 Artesneit 2010

In this adult shmup, you're descending into Hell for some reason. The art style reminds of a lot of Irem games; X-Multiply namely, but also a bit of R-Type and In The Hunt. H.R. Giger for sure, as well. Shooting enemies releases brains which grow your item chain. Every brain you collect fills the meter on the right by one unit. Once the meter is full, gold skulls start dropping instead of brains. Gold skulls will increase in size as you collect them. I'm not exactly sure how this fits into scoring. Getting hit will significantly downgrade your chain, and I can't remember if letting a brain or skull fall off the screen also does the same. The game is unfinished so it's still rough around the edges and there may be additions and adjustments in the future.
C79 Trial Demo 80MB (uploaded by Vector)
C78 Trial Demo 38MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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