Hellbound Artesneit, SakaYo Haruo / Akira Hut Original 2005

This is a good shmup from Japan by the maker of the Galshell series that features more alien levels and bosses for your alter ego to wreck havoc on. It has some adult horror images. The sprite designs are absolutely outstanding. Only one key is used for both shots and shields. When you release the shift key, a shield will momentarily protect your character on-screen from incoming bullets and projectiles. This adult bullet hell shooter is a remake of Yakouga 2 from the same developer. Stuff that was offputting has been retouched: first, you now have a life bar more or less strong according to the character; secondly, you have a shield that will activate for a very short period of time, and that triggers as soon as you stop firing; and finally, the scoring system is expanded with the possibility of reaping a lot of bonuses by destroying the enemies, whose projectiles will turn into bonuses. The gameplay is very instinctive and original: where other shooters in order to activate shield ask the player to maintain the pressure on a button, here it is quite the opposite and it works just as well. The murky and unhealthy atmosphere is of course always present, and the ugliness of the enemies is actually beautiful. The system of shield combined with the presence of several points of life diminishes the difficulty which was that of Yakouga 2. But above all, Hellbound takes back all that made the charm of Yakouga by erasing the frustrating aspects. The game is fast, the reasons for dense and busy shots, the bosses very surly (an example? The boss # 2 which is a kind of succubus the prominent brain, naked and bleeding chest and perfect hair.) Even if mastering the shield makes it possible to progress, the game is still quite arduous, but unlike Yakouga 2, no crises of rage and despair, because here at least it is possible to survive more than two minutes. Beautiful decors, beautiful motifs, beautiful themes and gameplay more flexible and especially less stressful: Hellbound is a very nice and very affordable doujin unlike the game from which it is inspired. Last advice: play with the 3rd character, by far the most practical.
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