Aero Chimera SAS 2014

A vertical arcade shoot'em'up with excruciating difficulty level and easy scoring system. Be annihilated in maelstorm of fire or persevere and destroy opposing DAEL-corporation! It features: 6 stages; 4 fighters - all for different styles of play; 3 difficulty modes, novice, normal and death; 6 endings; replays; scoring-system based on point-blanking, chaining and medaling; dynamic difficulty. The game is a kind of a mix between Raizing, Cave and Psikyo. It has the bullet hell from Cave, the speed from Psikyo and the nasty rank system from Raizing where you need to suicide a lot to manage the rank. The way the rank works is that it increases by scoring and the amount of lives you have. So the less lives you have the less the rank will increase. If you don't manage the rank than the bullets in the later stages will be at least twice as fast. There are also the bomb fragments, medaling and scenery bombing that we all know and love. The scoring system consists of medaling and pointblanking for higher multipliers with a bit of chaining thrown into the mix. Additionally you can also destroy multiple boss parts for some more score although doing that is prone to making the boss very pissy. You get an extend every million points so plan your suicides well as dying will also give you a bomb back.
Free Game v1.01 69MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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