Shooting Stars Bloodirony Games / Daedalic Entertainment 2016

This arcade shoot-'em-up was initially on mobiles in 2015. Never has there been a game as straightforward with its title than this one, as the goal is really to shoot all sorts of celebrity stars, ranging from Justin Belieber, Starlette Brohansson, Gabe Oldwell to Lady Gogo, Robert Downer Sr. and even Nuck Chorris. You see where this is going... Without getting into legal problems, the names are pretty original, and the concept of evil aliens disguising as these stars is also genius (even if it was already hinted at in the first Men in Black). Gameplay-wise, it's a rogue-like, so dying might be the end of the level and game. Weapon power-ups are also standard fare, but what isn't standard is that hipster Tscherno uses his cat for attacks, in addition to a hoverboard to move around. So how retro and cool is that? The trailer might look and sound like any pixel-art arcade indie game released, but the humor certainly makes for an interesting gameplay experience, especially with the cat. It's all without much violence, though, so don't expect the carnage seen in Hotline Miami.
Full Demo v1.0.2 65MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

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