NeoTokyo STUDIO RADI-8 2014

Originally a popular Half-Life 2 mod in 2009, it became a standalone game inJuly/2014. NEOTOKYO takes place in and around a fictionalized Tokyo approximately 30 years in the future. Mankind has begun to fuse with technology. Government and corporate corruption have transformed Tokyo into a deadly dystopian nightmare. After a near-successful military coup by ranking members of Jinrai, the National Security Force (NSF) is formed - answering directly to the Prime Minister, it's mission is to investigate and eliminate all threats to Japan, both abroad and at home. The initial core of the NSF is made from an exodus from within the intelligence branch of the military. With this betrayal begins the war in the shadows between the NSF and Jinrai. Nearly five years in the making by Studio Radi-8, NeoTokyo borrows inspiration from Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell and Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira, plunging players into a future Japan fraught with strife both internally and geo-politically. When an attempt to alter Japan's constitution to allow the country to perform military actions outside of its borders fail, the military attempts to overthrow the government. Their initial attempts fail, but with the formation of Group Six, a military force sworn to protect the constitution, tensions are again on the rise. The game looks completely amazing. NEOTOKYOs initial release contains a wealth of content. It includes 10 environments, 26 new weapons among 3 different class types, and a custom soundtrack with 15 songs. Up to 11 new maps are already well into development and will be released in map pack updates.
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Download v01.16.2013 Mod Version *requires Half-Life 2 969MB (uploaded by ModDB)
Steam Standalone Free Game (uploaded by Steam)

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