3079 Phr00t 2011

3079 is a futuristic, open-world action first-person role playing game. You arrive on a planet experiencing constant war. It is your duty to find out why the warring factions cannot find peace on their own & hopefully restore it yourself. All areas, buildings, items, quests and characters are randomly generated. You will find unique lands & challenges. It uses a modern, awesome 3D engine called jMonkeyEngine - proving fast, fully featured 3D games are possible with Java. It has practically endless, open-world exploration while sloped surfaces and higher polygon models gives the world a new, less "blocky" look. There's fully functional Multiplayer with Twitter integration, futuristic weapons and items procedurally generated for endless character equipment, smart artificial intelligence (enemies and allies will dodge, follow, inspect sounds etc.), and difficulty that increases as you explore further (don't worry, items get better too). Modern 3D graphics and effects like anti-aliasing, damage & underwater blurring and procedurally generated quests for rewards and story advancement. A skill system for things like engineering, charisma and camouflage. Body-part specific damage calculation and dismemberment: Head Shot! Soft ray-traced lighting (makes for nice shadows to hide in). It has fortress building using a construction tool, and different biomes (grassland, mountains, snow, poison, desert, sea etc.).
Full Demo 50MB (uploaded by Wastrel)

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