Aleph One FK Productions 2012

Not to be confused with the similarly titled port of Bungie's Marathon (found on Mods/TCs page), this is a round-based first person shooter developed on the Unreal Development Kit (UDK) for the 7DFPS Challenge (7 Day First Person Shooter). You are a soldier that was knocked out and left aboard the ship Aleph One... alone. Shortly after waking up, your commanding officer realises that they forgot key intelligence and you must pick it up and escape the ship while fighting hoards of robotic aliens. Luckily for you, the combat tracking system is still online and you are awarded credits for killing them, credits to buy better killing devices. Get to it soldier! Oh, before you get yourself killed thinking you can just hide and regain all your health back, you can't...sort of. You do possess a Stem-Suture system that can heal you over time, but when you're out of stem fluid, you better buy some more! Luckily, the trader can supply it after every wave, and will treat you to a full healing too!
Free Game v0.52 135MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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