Death Wish 1997

Caleb will need to muster all his strength to take down the mighty Tchernobog, who has managed to free himself from the grip of death. The journey begins in the mountains and quickly takes you to the unforgiving, icy north. From there you will traverse a plethora of varied environments from dry deserts to dank caves in pursuit of your longtime foe Tchernobog. Years have passed and the world has changed, but Tchernobog's burning desire for power has remained the same. With Tchernobog's new powers to aid him, will Caleb be able to defeat him once again before it's too late? This was under development for almost two years, every level is highly polished, and you may even see a few Mapedit tricks you never thought possible! There's over 30 levels spread out across 3 episodes, which includes secret levels and transition levels for flowing smoothly back into the main campaign. New cut scenes appear at the beginning and end of each episode explaining the story and its developments throughout the course of the game. A new story, taking place after the events of the original Blood and its add-ons while staying within the same mythology. The Tome message system, gives the player hints and story tidbits during play to further deepen the story and reveal hints or secrets. All the levels have been adapted to be playable in Co-Op mode, so you and up to 7 other friends can tackle Death Wish together. All levels include modified enemy and item placement depending on difficulty settings for added replay value. Even long-time Blood pros will find a challenge in Death Wish's brutal Extra Crispy setting. A very detailed plain-text Walkthrough is included. It is split into 2 sections: One with the basic player path discussed and the other revealing all available secrets. A Commentary text file is included, revealing the creator and lead QA tester's thoughts on Death Wish and its content. A detailed README file is included, ensuring that everyone can get things working properly even on varying file system configurations. A simple drag-and-drop installation — no confusing or malfunctioning installers.
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