Underhell Mxthe, We Create Stuff 2011

This will be distributed in Episodic releases and uses standalone Source engine if you have Source SDK Base 2007 installed. In Underhell, you incarnate Jake Hawkfield, a Special Weapons and Tactics Operative, who recently got married and moved in with his beloved wife. But soon after those happy events his beloved wife dies in mysterious circumstances, only leaving clues that lead to believe in a suicide. Jake falls apart, and only his best friend, mentor and boss Frank is here to help him get over his grief. Prologue begins with a wake up call from Frank, ordering Jake to come down to the station. An armed group of elite soldiers have taken contol of a hospital and all it’s personnel. But Jake will soon realize that it is not a common Hostage Situation. When you are in the house, you can check your Emails, your Mail Box, answer the phone when it rings or just explore and try to uncover the mysteries that lurk in there. Even though Jake's Wife has recently passed away, you are not completely alone. UnderHell is split in 3 different "zones". The first is The House, each new chapter will have it's own version of The House, with different puzzles, different things to discover and diary pages to find. The second, are The Dreams, with each version of The House will come a set of dreams, only accessible via the Bed in The House, during the night. Dreams will give you bits of information about the story, and might help you understand some future events better. Dreams are not mandatory, meaning you can finish the game without playing through them. The third zone, are the Chapters, where Underhell really takes place, you access a chapter via The House, and when you are done with the chapters you come back to The House. When everything has been done in the Chapters and in The House, you must go to sleep in order to access the next version of the house. Chapter 1 (Sep/2013).
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Free Chapter 1 v1.2 & Prologue Remake 1.59GB (uploaded by ModDB)

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