Diaspora: Shattered Armistice Diaspora Development Team 2012

Diaspora is a free fan-made single and multiplayer space fighter combat game set in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica universe. It’s a space dogfighting game based on the recent TV series. It has been 40 years since the devastating war between the Colonials and the Cylons. 40 years where no one has seen or heard of the Cylons. 40 years where the armistice has held. Fly the MK VII Viper, the Raptor or the new MK VIIe strike variant. Take part in furious battles against Cylon forces. Play multiplayer missions against your friends as Colonial or Cylon forces. It's completely voice acted throughout and it has an original soundtrack inspired by the show. Create your own missions and share them with the included mission editor. You will of course be able to fly around the Galactica, launch from it and land on it. Four years in the making, the game is entirely standalone and it's based on the FreeSpace2_open game engine. The singleplayer part is complete but multiplayer is still in beta.
Free Game 1.26GB (uploaded by Official Site)

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