District 187: Sin Streets CJ E&M Games / Netmarble 2012

This is Korea-based studio's free-to-play multiplayer-only FPS. The game features modes that will drop you into the middle of a cops-and-robbers-style bank heist, or assign you to assassinate an NPC boss. Conventional game types like team death-match, bomb mode and capture-the-flag will also appear in the game. It has more than just two diametrically opposed roles: Multiple factions exist on either side of the conflict — such as the Mexican drug cartel, the Japanese Yakuza, or SWAT — that you can pledge your affiliation to. Not only does each faction have distinctive avatars and accessories, but their weapons will also vary in design and function. Meanwhile, the theme of cops-and-robbers extends to the multiplayer game modes as well. The bank heist game mode tasks SWAT players with protecting a bank vault and retrieving any stolen goods, while those playing as the gang faction will go into the vault, grab the cash, and return it to their base. However, the boss mode is more like an escort mission: one team protects a very important character, while opposition tries to kill him. Thereupon, gang war is a huge focus in the game. Its mode reflects heavily on team-based gameplay. If your team wins enough matches, you can claim territory in parts of the city, which will earn everyone in your clan specific bonuses. At its core, the game is all about maintaining a high level of competition. Admittedly, the constantly evolving multiplayer-only experience will be anything but ordinary. The game shut down on Oct 3, 2013.
Download: None currently available

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