Realm Wars Realm Wars Development Team 2002

Realm Wars is a community project that was developed with the use of the popular Torque Game Engine. The game itself is a fantasy themed first person style action game that emphasises massive team combat on an epic scale. Players can choose a race, customize your abilities and your appearance with an impressive array of weapons, armor and items - then prepare for battle. Become a master of ranged or close quarters weapons as you join into a vast world of simple team based skirmishes, controlled battles, or epic wars. Battlegrounds are sized according to the number of players, and can be different every time, or, in some cases, they are created by level builders, the live team, or through the use of DM level creation tools. There is no "grunting" or leveling in Realm Wars, rather, play is action based, and more reliant on the skills and actions of the player than on random dice rolls, hit points, and character levels. As the player progresses, his character’s community recognition increases, he is honored with medals and medallions, and rewarded with an increasing ability to modify the look of his armor and weapons.
Maps + Addons (uploaded by Teutonic Barons)
Free Game 17MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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