Sabotage (cancelled) Insane Logics 2003

Sabotage is a first-person shooter that emphasizes stealth and the art of infiltration. In a futuristic society, dominated by large transnational companies, a man sentenced to death is offered the opportunity to be freed if he is able to sabotage an enemy corporation. The year is 2092. For the last 50 years, giant international corporations have ruled the entire world population. Call it a planetary capitalocracy. Scientific progress is unstoppable. Genetic research has made giant leaps. Only the governing corporations’ highest-ranked officers and administrators can afford genetic upgrades. It is those men and women, being mentally and physically superior, that rule the planet. The social ranking of these beings depend on their genetic strength, which can be determined from the number that follows the person’s name. It’s a number that represents how many generations of this individual’s direct family line received genetic upgrades. The higher the number, the higher the performance, the closer that person is to genetic perfection. Common people, unable to pay for these expensive upgrades are named “zeros”. They became modern day slaves for the benefit of the genetically-improved. However, in the year 2090, led by visionary financiers and upright citizens, the global government officially ended slavery, thus avoiding an uprising from the masses on a planetary scale. Still, several corporations opposed the ban and refused to surrender power. They are now raging war against the government with the help of ferocious private militias. Supported by considerable financial means, these neo-fascist, rebel companies are becoming even more powerful. The game was never completed. An alpha demo version contains 2 playable levels (level 1 & 5). Level 1 is at 80% of completion (lighting and textures are not complete). This first level take place in the old sewers system of a gigantic complex owned by a bio-genetic corporation. This is the only way to infiltrate the complex. Level 5 is at 50% of completion (game play balance, lighting & textures are not complete). This level gives you a better vision of what the game was to look like, a modern setting of a multi-national bio-genetic corporation. The blending of animations was not implemented at this moment. (The characters may look stiff at moments, caused by the lack of blending).
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2-Level Alpha Demo 92MB (uploaded by MegaGames)

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