Signum Hyperbolic Magnetism 2004

Signum is a game inspired by games Freelancer and FreeSpace 2 (similar to Dark Star One). Set in the distant future, in the vast cosmos. You are a mercenary, the best of all smugglers. You're the owner of a fighter spacecraft and perform missions for which you are paid, of course. The money improves your ship to take on the challenge of the next mission. You could say that the game is space shooter, but it is much more... It was originally the name of a Software Project required at MFF UK where some students obtained Master Degree in Computer Graphics. In the end, there was released only beta version. It's not complete but many features and short story mode was included to make the game playable and worthy of its presentation.
Alpha Video
Free Beta v0.1.1 41MB (uploaded by Source Forge)

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