MEHEM - The Mass Effect (3) Happy Ending Mod 2012

MEHEM is a reinterpretation of the endings of Mass Effect 3, which allows Commander Shepard to survive the final mission, among many other changes. It features custom videos and slides, re-engineered gameflow, original as well as re-arranged voice acting, new music, etc. What does MEHEM do in detail (obvious spoiler warning)? It removes the catalyst scene. No ifs, not buts. It's gone for good. (So is your choice, you will now destroy the reapers no matter what) It introduces a whole new scene showing how Joker disobeys orders and keeps the Normandy in the fight long enough for Shepard to be rescued (with the help of a certain Alliance captain :)) The Normandy no longer crash-lands on the Weirdo Planet. The Geth and EDI survive. EDI is now present during the memorial and new slides were added to the epilogue that will show the geth, if they are alive. The epilogue slides now show survivors on the Citadel, most prominently Aria and Cpt. Baley. You will see your Shepard reunited with his crew (and even some interaction unique to your LI if the LI is part of the Normandy crew). While they don't exactly have a party, now it is a real bitter-sweet ending with the emphasis on "sweet" rather than on "bitter". The musical score is changed quite extensively, including the credits song. Harbinger will say a few lines during the beam run.
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