Bonez Adventures: Tomb Of Fulaos BoneArtz 2005

This is a 3D adventure/rpg game in 3rd-person view available for online download for $16. In the age of old king Fulaos, stories that were legends long since then revived. All was left known to few sacred ones only and these had kept the wisdom for thousands of years. But after all these became legends and myths as well and all their secrets were kept in one small tomb of the last of descendants. But young archaeologist Mr. Bonez and his colleague Dr. Roderson in the 1930's find the basis of the tomb by chance. At first sight it seems to be the tomb like any other and that there are no surprising discoveries should be expected. But to their amazement a sarcophagus is found at a time when the archaeological digs should be almost finished. There is a mummy which is at least 2000 years older than the whole tomb itself. From this moment old legends and myths start to revive in front of Mr. Bonez's eyes. Mr. Bonez experiences unbelievable adventure which leads him through ancient tombs, frowsty caves, Cairo's bazaars and old pyramids. There's a special rules system adapted to a real-time setting - including 8 base skills and 9 derived skills. The fast paced combat is in a rich and detailed world where dialogue interaction and story play equally large roles. A classless system allows the user to customize their character however they want as they advance to as high as 100th level. A random item generator allows the player to find literally thousands of different weapons and items. Special subgames are included in the story and could be played as independent games. There's many items to upgrade your skills, and many spells that evolve and grow with as your characters' abilities increase. The games was made with Crystal Space, a free (LGPL) and portable 3D Game Development Kit written in C++.
Level Demo v1.1 188Mb ( @
Full Download Version (thanks to Hellsgate & Delacroix & upped by Scaryfun) 175MB

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