Covert Front 1-4 Karol Konwerski & Mateusz Skutnik 2007

From the creator of the Submachine series comes this point-and-click adventure series. Episode 1: All Quiet on the Covert Front (July/2007) - You play Kara, a spy in a world where World War I is triggered in 1901 instead of 1914, in which technology is more advanced and your target, physicist Karl von Toten, is on the verge of a revolutionary discovery. Your task is to break into von Toten's house and find clues to his secret. Controls are the usual point-and-click fare, with inventory items stored in opaque bubbles at the top of the screen. Just like Mateusz's Submachine games, Covert Front is dripping with lush visuals and a deep atmosphere. It also contains a number of red herrings — items, scenes and other oddities that look like important clues but serve no real purpose other than to enliven the environment. Episode 2: Station on the Horizon (Oct/2007) begins with Kara inside von Toten's mansion with key intelligence in hand. Now she must escape with her life to inform her superiors of the shocking truth. The beauty of the Covert Front series (and the Submachine games) is the art direction and sense of mystery. Mateusz wraps rich environments around intruiging storylines and sprinkles puzzles that are just tough enough to make you want to see them through. Not too difficult, not too easy, but just right. Episode 3: Night in Zurich (July/2009) - Perhaps better even than the previous installments, Night in Zurich absolutely nails the atmosphere of danger and intrigue so essential to old spy tales. Mateusz's signature art style captures with aplomb the look and feel of a setting fraught with suspicion, and even the puzzles only serve to further set the mood. To succeed you'll literally have to think like a spy and search for hidden meaning in everything. Is that train schedule really as innocuous as it seems? What about the Bible on the bedspread? Just remember to watch your back while you're nosing around for clues. It's a great story, rife with missing agents, espionage, secret mechanisms, and all the things that make spy drama great. Fans of the series won't be disappointed, and while newcomers might find the occasionally brain-burning puzzles a bit daunting, anyone with a taste for mystery will find a lot to like here. Episode 4: The Spark of Life (Apr/2012) - She remains hot on the trail of Karl Von Toten, the German scientist whose discoveries could tip the balance of this alternate universe's World War. It's time to save the free world. Skulking about in rural daylight is a different kind of tension from the dark alleyways and creaking mansions Kara has explored in the past, but you will still look over your shoulder at every chirping bird and creaky door.
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