EverQuest Verant Interactive / 989 Studios 1999

This is a 3D fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) which became the most popular game of its kind for many years and even became known to non-gamers as well though with some controversy for its addicteveness (even leading to suicide) in several well publicized cases. Sony Online Entertainment currently runs and distributes this persistent online game world whose story continues even when you log out. To play, one must initially pay for the game software and then pay a recurring monthly fee. In the game, players explore a fantasy world of sword and sorcery, fighting monsters and enemies for treasure and experience points and interacting with other players. As they progress, players advance in level, gaining power, prestige and abilities. Players can also procure powerful items for their characters in a variety of ways: through slaying monsters (and then looting the remains), doing "quests" (tasks and adventures given by non-player characters ( NPCs ) in which a reward is given upon success), or by gathering raw materials and then fashioning them, via numerous trade skills such as tailoring or blacksmithing, into useful (or not-so-useful, but nevertheless fun) items. In structure and rules, the game is almost a direct descendant of the famed Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. Many of the elements from EverQuest have also been drawn from text-based MUD (multi-user dungeon) games. The game features a 3D environment set in the fictional world of Norrath, its moon Luclin and alternate planes of reality. The geography of the EverQuest universe is vast—few have visited all of the nearly 400 zones. Multiple instances of the world exist on various servers, each one hosting between 1000 and 3000 simultaneous players online during peak times. After selecting a server, a player can create multiple characters by choosing from a variety of classes and races (e.g., humans, gnomes, trolls, halflings, elves, etc.). The main aspect of gameplay involves grouping with fellow players to kill monsters for experience and gear. Beyond that, a player can explore the large world, socialize, role-play, join player guilds, master trade skills, and duel other players (in restricted situations — EQ only allows Player versus Player (PvP) combat on the PvP-specific server, in designated arenas, or in a consensual duel in a limited number of locations). Most parts of the game can be completed with small groups of up to six or so people, but the most challenging (and rewarding) encounters (called "raids") require the cooperation of many players, possibly totalling 72 players, although the trend in recent expansions tends towards 54 as a maximum. In March/2012, a new free-to-play system was made available for Everquest with all 18 expansion packs. It includes options for Free, Silver ($5.00 USD) and Gold ($14.99 USD/month) memberships.

See also: The Ruins of Kunark, The Scars of Velious, The Shadows of Luclin, Planes of Power, The Legacy of Ykesha, Lost Dungeons of Norrath, Gates of Discord, Omens of War, Dragons of Norrath, Depths of Darkhollow, Prophecy of Ro, The Serpent's Spine

Free-to-Play Client with all 18 expansion packs (uploaded by Official Site)
EverQuest: Escape To Norrath 10-level Trial Demo 232MB ( @ File Planet)
Full Demo Patch for emu server ~22Mb (uploaded by Erazare & Scaryfun) EQEMU Server / Shards Of Dalaya Free Private Server
 1  2  3 
Included in Everquest Titanium Edition (2006)5CD ISO Demo3.82GB (upped by Scaryfun)

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