Zaphie 2 Resurrection [K] Grigon Entertainment / eSofnet 2002

Zaphie 2 occurs ten years after the events of the original as a teenage boy has just been declared sane and released from an asylum. Reminiscent of the Silent Hill series, the dark shading and gloomy atmosphere gives the game an overall feeling of suspense. You don't know who is your friend or foe, even if they appear to be helping you. Just because you find out something, does not mean it is a helpful clue. It could very well be a red herring meant to through you off. While the graphics are well done, they remind of the Japanese styled cartoons. They use very little movement but plenty of explanations of the plot in the details of the characters. It is not until the end you figure out whether the main character is truly insane, or beset by real demons.
ISO Demo (provided by TG)SeNaTe, upped by Scaryfun) No-CD 372kb (made by Delacroix)
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