Mount & Blade TaleWorlds Entertainment / Paradox Interactive AB 2008

This is an open-ended, nonlinear game focused on realistic medieval warfare that combines deep RPG elements with strategy management, exploration of the game world, and full real-time combat. It solely offers singleplayer and the player only directly controls a single character, co-operating or fighting against AI-controlled NPCs. From a large 3d overhead map the player is free to visit any part of the game world in semi-turn-based fashion, attacking or protecting caravans, visiting castles, raiding towns or taking part in sieges (technically up to 1,000 units on the battlefield). It is also possible to capture opponents, keep them as prisoners and eventually sell them as slaves. Players can wander through towns and talk to the inhabitants about current events, to get quests, trade, buy or sell new items, or recruit new troops. There is a thriving, dynamic economy based on supply and demand and large factions that will often exercise influence over each other. Because of the free-form sandbox-like gameplay, no new game is ever the same, similar to Elite or Darklands, and the game world evolves with or without the player's influence. It is possible to start a conversation with almost any character in the game, and their reactions varies based on your reputation, status and loyalty. Players can engage in combat similar to a 3d action game, where the mouse is used with dynamic movement to attack and defend with shields, bow and arrow and swords. The player needs to use the terrain and his AI forces (indirectly) to strategically engage the enemy, also often by mounting a horse and using the advantages in speed, height and the environment in a realistic manner. There are many weapons to wield, including lances, double-handed axes, swords and more. Attacking does not consist of point-and-click, but demands much input from the player. Both offensive and defensive moves are entirely directional and are executed based on timing, leading to realistic fights. Attacks do not only take places in the open, but small villages can be looted or burned (angering farmers) or a castle can be taken on in a full siege. While fighting, the attack and defence parameters are shown in RPG fashion and are calculated based on the setting, characteristics and the different levels and skills. While playing experience is earned to improve characteristics such as basic attributes (strength, agility, intelligence or charisma), a large amount of basic skills (both personal and relating to the party) and certain proficiencies. These can be individually determined for each of the party members. There are also unusual skills such as tracking, spotting, prisoner management and surgery. Furthermore the skill tree is multi-tiered, where higher skills effect lower ones, rule them out based on certain choices, or enhance them. The title is mod-friendly with a large amount of user-created content and scenarios.
Level Demo v1.011 378MB (uploaded by Game Pressure)
ISO Demo 862MB (uploaded by Egon68)
ISO Demo (mirror) 862MB (uploaded by Terje_P)

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