Do You Have a Grudge? Big Spaceship LLC / Sony Pictures 2004

From Sony Pictures comes this Flash point-and-click adventure to promote their horror film starring Sarah Michelle Gellar of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame. This mini-adventure is quite scary and will likely send chills down your spine, so turn down the lights and turn up the volume for maximum effect. The Grudge is actually a remake of a Japanese haunted house thriller created by Takashi Shimizu, who also directed the Hollywood remake. It features visual excerpts from the movie, including the exact haunted house settings and scary characters. This short point and click adventure game involves fulfilling certain objectives such as going upstairs and getting the laundry, answering a phone call or collecting food from the refrigerator. While completing these objectives, you will encounter random ghosts. Some encounters may even lead to death. The goal is to complete the objectives step by step as mentioned in the list. To begin, you will have to enter your name and initials. If you fail and fall prey to the ghosts, your name will be featured among other players as “cursed” members of the house.
Browser-Playable Free Flash Game (uploaded by Big Spaceship)

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