Separation Simon Krygicz 2009

The developer graduated from Graphic Design at the Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts. His thesis was this game Separation and the realization of the game engine which uses a computer for artistic activities. It uses a modified version of the Doom 3 engine. He cared most on creating atmosphere, and to move the viewer in a place of his dreams. Despite the use of modern techniques for creating images, he tried to keep the project were devoid of flashy graphics fireworks. To give it some thought and philosophy, symbols and their realizations are often used to give a fantasy style. Fairy tales are timeless and thoughts hidden in them are universal. He wanted the viewers to get the impression that the story happened a long time ago. The work is closely related to the music he listens to. Songs from the border of the genre ambient and electronic music was a great source of inspiration. They allow you to get away from it all, brings you to a distant and unknown land. It's based on an animation that was created a few years ago. All of the models, textures and materials are self-made. Although there isn’t any common computer game plot in Separation, a technique called "The Graphic Plot" was used. The visual setting is the most important part of the production. He concentrated on emphasizing the structure of destroyed walls, the secret and deserted complex of buildings. Such care of details has its explanation- the player can almost feel the claustrophobic space.
Free Game 450MB (uploaded by Official Site)

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