Silverfall Kyiv's Games / Monte Cristo Multimedia 2007

The city of Silverfall is the capital city of the kingdom Egreïd in the land of Nelwïë and a proud monument of what the combined strength of four races (humans, elves, trolls and goblins) can build with magic and technology. But not everyone is happy with this development and many say that the people should not forget their roots, and turn away from technology. These people call themselves the League of the Wilderness and for many years both groups had their disputes but no war. But it boils under the surface. One day all magical places of Nelwïë are attacked by an army of daemons - including Silverfall - to take advantage of the tense situation. While the inhabitants (of which the player is one) flee from the city, the archmage makes his stand and manages to defeat their leader. But in his last breath the daemon leader unleashes a powerful spell taking over the body of the archmage. A dark era is about to begin... The refugees of Silverfall meanwhile fled to the nearby swamps and began to build a temporary home under the leadership of the son of the archmage. Since the camp is surrounded by swamps, where deadly things roam, it needs a hero: You. After defining a race and customizing the appearance, your first quest as a level 1 hero is to kill a few skeletons near the campsite. Like in Diablo you gain experience by completing quests from the main story line and the many side quests that await you or by killing enemies. At each new level you gain 4 attribute points and 4 skill points. As you level up those points can be spent on the different attributes (Strength, Intelligence, Agility or Vitality) or the different skill trees if you want to be a fighter, a long-range combatant or a sorcerer. There are several skill trees to spend your points in, such as magic (Light, Shadow and Elemental), melee combat, long-range combat, combat technique and a racial ability skill tree in which there are several talents to unlock and upgrade. In the course of the game you also decide on which side of the never-ending struggle between Technology and Nature you stand through solving quests for the different groups. This not only affects how the NPCs of each group react to you but also changes the look of the city Silverfall since you gain a great influence among the population as you get deeper involved in saving the whole world from the new evil that spreads through the land. Each path also grants access to an additional skill tree in which you can find spells like a Shield which blocks incoming projectiles (Technology tree) or grants the ability to turn into an animal (Nature tree). Spells and talents will not bring down an enemy alone so you will also find many items of different qualities from armory and weapons to necklaces and rings in the course of your adventure. These can be used to gear up your hero and make him a real fighting machine. If you do not like to fight alone you can recruit NPCs to help you after you did a quest for them. You can give them orders such as "ignore the enemies - just heal me" and customize their gear. You can play through the campaign or just roam the world and do sidequests (or PvP) with up to 7 other players in the two multiplayer modes of the game. Silverfall features a cel-shaded graphical style which puts a black outline around all characters and gives the world a comic-style look. This effect can be turned off at any time.
DVD9 ISO Demo 7.04GB (uploaded by Egon68)

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