Titanium Chef Mod7 / British Columbia Dairy Foundation 2009

This is a free web browser-playable educational game that's a funny, beautifully made game which is great fun even if you're not really all that keen on learning about food groups. It's a point-and-click adventure in four parts. You play a lowly chef-bot in the year 3015 who, along with his best friend Moxie (a floating pink ball of fur), escapes his humdrum job and ventures out to become the best chef-bot in the galaxy. Unfortunately, the galaxy is filled with more dangers than the poor chef-bot was counting on. To understand why you need a little history lesson. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... er, anyway, a while ago, an evil ruler by the name of Rogulus swept across the galaxy with his evil troops, leaving in their wake a massive swath of destruction, fast food cartons, and puppies (apparently it can be difficult to supply evil troops with food and cuddles when one is bent on subduing the galaxy). Rogulus was the enemy of all that was good and wholesome and apparently nutritious. But due to the efforts of a few heroes, Rogulus was beaten back and peace reigned in the galaxy once more. But as our hero discovers as he makes his way from a backwater planet on his quest to become Titanium Chef, something is amiss. Evil forces are at work once again, and suspicious things are happening that evoke the dark days of Rogulus' reign. No matter. The lowly chef-bot discovers hints and clues to the bigger picture while working his way towards several cooking competitions, learning about food groups, portion sizes, and balanced nutrition, all the better to help him win and eventually become the best chef-bot of them all. It's designed for kids aged 10-13 to learn about nutrition. Each chapter has two or three segments, designed to be played in 30 to 40 minutes.
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Browser-Playable Free Game (uploaded by Official Site)

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