Reconstructors Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning, Rice University 2001

In the Reconstructors series, students learn about the health effects of drugs of abuse while covering substantial neuroscience content. The series consists of three independent web adventures: In Uncommon Scents, students investigate a chemical accident and learn about the health effects of exposure to toxic chemicals. By learning about the accidental impact of toxic vapors, the player then discovers the serious consequences of intentional use of inhalants. In Nothing To Rave About, students are asked to uncover why there has been a dramatic increase in the number of teens admitted to the emergency room after partying at a local dance club. During their investigation, they learn how ecstasy and other club drugs act on the nervous system. In A Plaguing Problem, students “reconstruct” lost knowledge about pain relieving drugs such as opiates. They learn about concepts such as neurotransmission, the neurobiology and history underlying drug addiction, and pain management. In each adventure, players help solve a drug-related case or problem. They gather scientific evidence, collect and interpret data, conduct laboratory experiments, and consult with experts to solve the case. They learn how drugs affect the body, especially the nervous system, so that they can make wise health choices when encountering drugs of abuse. The Reconstructors web adventures are divided into consecutive episodes, each playable in 30–45 minutes.
Browser-Playable Free Flash Games Episodes 1-3 (uploaded by Official Site)

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