Sneak Thief 1-5 Pastel Games 2010

You're a thief tasked by a man called Don Fabiano to retrieve the inventions of Prof. Bellamy. For your efforts, you will be paid top money... and isn't that the best kind of money? #1: Prime Catch (Sep) The titular thief looks like he could be the character in a sixties cartoon as he flies to the tower on his handheld chopper. He must get a hold of a teleporty, diamond-type thing. The environment is a mixture between the mundane lovingly and uniquely drawn and set pieces that are heavily stylized. Almost everything is bathed in blue which adds to the mood. The sound is great as well; the music is simple and repetitive, but it fits so well and is so catchy that you're more likely to find yourself grooving to it then right clicking to turn it off. #2: Second Strike (Nov) The thief starts out being swallowed by a giant mechanical fish. The inside of the fish is dingy and dank, dominated by pea green walls and random kitchen equipment. Puzzles are short and easy. #3: Triple Trouble (Mar/11) The thief finds himself in some kind of underground lair with a number of code pads and a safe. The game features the same busily off-kilter Kamil Kochanski art and animation that fans have come to know and love, which particularly shines in the ending. It's a brisk fifteen minute-ish diversion. #4: Fourth Find (Dec/11) After he barely escapes an explosion, the thief catches a ride on a totally not suspicious at all escaping air balloon. This episode involves building a robot with a brain you thawed in a microwave. #5: Final Five (Apr/12) As the persistent pilferer finally arrives at Prof. Belamy's doorstep via his handy-dandy glider, he is probably looking forward to getting this job over with the final invention waiting inside the compound.
Browser-Playable Free Flash Games 1-5 (uploaded by Official Site)

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