Ildefonse Andre Constantino (a4ndr3c) 2013

This is a solo project of a horror game inspired by several feature Japanese, Korean and Spanish movies. The main goals are: an atmospheric ambiance of horror, a short story to keep the player absorbed in the game, and to keep the scares not too simple, like jump scares. The main plot is, in 1935, Mr. Ildefonse was betrayed by his wife who then fled with their children, Mr. Ildefonse lost his head and unleashed a massacre at his home involving employees, then he committed suicide. The rest of the story is completed with letters from tenants who lived in the building, which was later converted into flats but haunted by the things that happened in the past. In the game, the year is 1977 and the player is a lawyer hired to collect the testament papers in the house, requested by a family member. The game features: light attenuation or eyes adapt when the player turns off the flashlight, dynamic footstep sound depending on floor material, dynamic sound reverb depending on where the player is (bathroom,open air, echo zone), player natural sounds like heartbeat and breathing, your own shadow, a main enigma, a complete building with various floors based on a real scale building, a maze sewer, and the "Fear factor" of the player.
Free Game v1.1 143MB (uploaded by IndieDB)

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