Nine Princes In Amber [Ru] Saturn Plus 1998

This Russian adventure is based on the series of Roger Zelazny's fantasy novels "The Chronicles of Amber." In the game you are acting on behalf of Corwin, and you have in the game to solve puzzles, and sometimes they are very difficult. The sound design of the game was very highly rated by players. The graphics are in 3D (background) and 2D (characters). The first part has the main character of Corwin, with whom we are acquainted, who it turns out after an accident finds himself in an average private clinic with nurses, patients, and,of course, the chief physician. In the best traditions of the genre, Corwin realizes that he almost does not remember anything after the accident, but he does not want to stay in the hospital. As a result of the struggle with amnesia, it starts to lift some of the memories of family ties of the protagonist, his mission, and includes a variety of fantastic elements. The main opposition is in essence the 9 sons of the head of the royal family of Amber, possessing great physical strength and a high capacity for regeneration, in a world composed of multiple parallel universes.
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Russian ISO Demo 339MB (uploaded by scaryfun)

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